In order to protect and improve health before the epidemic season from Covid-19, in addition to complying with the recommendations of the Department of Health such as going out only for essentials, no gathering in group, wearing masks and regularly washing hands, etc., we also need to increase our resistance to minimize the possibility of covid-19 infection. Therefore, what have you prepared to prevent the epidemic? Let DHG Pharma suggest some products to help you be more fully equipped to fight Covid-19:

+ B?????? ?????: Use one tablet daily to supplement vitamins and minerals which help strengthen a resistance for immune system, protect health from pathogenic bacteria and viruses

      + Anomin Gold: Extracted from Spirulina, with 17 essential amino acids and 6 essential minerals that helps supplement protein for the body, nourish the body, increase resistance and maintain health.

      + Pimum: A product which helps to supplement protein for the body, increase resistance, nourish children body aged from 1 to 18 years old.

     + ???? ?????: Use of one tablet daily helps to keep warm and clear your throat, prevent coughs, sore throat from coronary epidemic and seasonal flu.

      + Physiological saline ???? ?????: helps to wash away dirt from eyes, nose, and ears; to clear mucus, prevent dryness in the nose and stuffy nose.

       + Bioskin hand sanitizing gel: helps to clean hands quickly, be antibacterial, prevent pathogenic bacteria, and deodorize.

Protecting and improving health of each individual is the best way to prevent Covid-19.